Saturday 27 February 2010

Sir Knight Elijah

Last week was half term for Elijah (school vacation) - a whole week to sleep in (yeah right), play video games, and do fun stuff with Mama! He had a sleepover with James and Sam on Tuesday night - that was great fun for all the kiddos. They had Happy Meals for dinner, tore up Elijah's room, and got to stay up late watching Bionicle - a perfect night for little boys.

The rest of the week was pretty low-key, it's been freeeeezing cold, and even snowed enough to shut the roads down at one point. We got about 10 inches, with 3-ft snowdrifts right before half term, more than enough to build a snowman and a fort!

Friday, Elijah and Paul's Mum & I went to Bodiam Castle on the East Kent & Sussex Railway - the train was an old fashioned steam train, of course Elijah LOVED it. Elijah had so much fun at the castle - he got to dress up like a 'real' knight, all the lords and ladies called him 'Sir Knight', which made him feel extra special. The castle was mostly a carcass, so he got to run around and explore all the little nooks and crannies.

As usual, after a week at home, he was looking forward to going back to school on Monday. He took took spelling tests this week and got 5 out of 5 on both. Here's his little spelling book so you can see what words he's been learning, and what he has to study for this coming week.

One of his literacy subjects in school is learning how to write a story in order, using things like "first I...", "next I...", "then...", and "finally...". For his homework this weekend, he had to write about his day on Friday, so we left him to it with no help at all, and this is what he did.

Pretty good for having no help! If you can't read it all, it's supposed to say, "First I get woken up by my alarm. Next I get out of bed and get dressed then I played for a little while. After that I had breakfast then I went to school. I did some morning work and then we had assembly. After that we had play time then we did work again and then we had lunch. Then we had another play time in a little while we did more work. Finally it was home time. After that I played Monsters vs Aliens on the Wii then it was bed time."

Last week at dinner he randomly came out with, "Mama, Shiva uses his fork to destroy people!" After a bit of prodding, we found out Elijah has been learning about Hinduism at school. He'll be learning about all different religions, and seems to find it quite interesting.

I'll leave you now with the newest selection of photos from our trip to Bodiam Castle (and a few of playing in the snow). As always, leave comments if you have a spare minute - he does read them!
February 27th, 2010


Wes Miller said...

Well, Sir Knight, I am really impressed with all you have done here. Your spelling is terrific, your story writing is awesome and your exploits in the snow and at the castle make me jealous that I'm not there! I love the pictures of you in the armor. Pretty soon YOU will be Lord of the Castle, and you with your army of Bionicles will defend us all from harm.

Keep up the good work.

I love you


helengrammy said...

Hi Elijah,

As always it was SO good to see you on Sunday! Hope your weather continues to improve and that there are lots of sunny days so you can play outside with your friends after school! Our temperatures have become much warmer, and we're happy about that. Hope you have a wonderful week! See ya Sunday! I love you lots and lots and lots...Grammy

Donna M said...

Elijah says:

Thanks for saying that I had good beat when I danced. And I, well, my Dad hasn't quite finished working how the telescope works.

Also, I have no homework at the moment, but next time I read I'm gonna be on orange level instead of green.

I'm going to Casper again on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And I've been playing for a long time at Casper today. First, I had some fruit. I had 2 kiwis and then we just carried on playing.

[Farts] Ooop. Pardon me pardon me pardon me.
[Laughs hysterically]

I'm going to bed now. I love you everyone. I hope I see you soon on the next trip.

Lots of love,

helengrammy said...

Hi again!

What does it mean when you said you were going to be on the orange level instead of the green? Are you still liking reading? As you probably know I just LOVE to read. There is SO much to learn through reading and so many stories--I don't know what I'd do without books! Only a couple more days and it's the weekend again! Where does the time go? Love, love, love..., Grammy

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