Saturday 24 July 2010

Well wow

Well wow. It's been around 7 months since I posted on Elijah's blog. I'm not trying to hide the fact that I'm the worst blogger in the world. I am. I do have some excuses, but I'll spare you for the most part. After many requests, I've finally put aside a bit of time to update The Elijah Chronicles.

Elijah is now in 'Year 3' of primary school and turned 7 in August. He's fabulous at reading, subtracting, multiplying, counting money and giving change, learning science (lots of dinosaurs), learned about all different religions, English history (Vikings, Celts, Romans) computer work, the list goes on. His favorite subject is ICT which is basically computer stuff. Since his first year in school, he's wanted to be a 3-D movie and video game designer when he grows up and it hasn't changed yet. He's in swimming lessons and we'll probably start him in Judo or something like that in the near future.

His best friend is still James Bates, but the love/hate thing is really starting to come out this year. They're getting to be bigger boys and play fight a lot, and have even had one 'real' fight with name calling and hair pulling and everything. Oh boys. We nipped that in the bud right away, hopefully there won't be much more of the real fighting.

Some of his other friends from school are Harry, Alfie and Jasmine. School is from 8:45 - 3pm every day, and he has after school clubs throughout the year (this year there's 'Growing Club' where they plant a garden, 'ICT Club' - his favorite, and he had a go at Basketball during the first term, but I really don't think sports is gonna be his thang).

His reading skills are amazing these days - right now he's reading the full version of Charlotte's Web. He reads before bed and can usually get through a 150-page book in a few weeks.

If you haven't heard (and one of the reasons for my lack of posting) - Elijah is going to be a big brother. He's VERY excited and can't wait to be the best big brother in the world. Whenever he prays at night he asks God to "bless our bump", haha. He said he'll even help out fetching diapers and bottles and things when Mama needs help. He thinks it's a girl and wants to name her Martha (what in the world?), and if it does happen to be a boy, he likes the names 'Henry the Eighth' and Bill. Sorry Elijah, don't think we'll be using your name suggestions!

He's still only lost his 2 middle bottom teeth (lost them 15 months ago) - I think he's the only one in his class without a mouth full of huge teeth! His top right tooth is just now starting to get loose, so expect a totally different looking little boy in the near future.

Elijah was a devil for Halloween this year, though every year Halloween gets more and more lame in England (it was pretty lame to begin with). Paul and Elijah went trick or treating and in about an hour they only got candy from 4 or 5 houses. Thank goodness Elijah doesn't know any different and thought it was AWESOME anyways! Next year we're planning on coming to the States for Halloween so he can experience a 'real' one. There was a school party for the kids at the Village Hall where they got to dress up and eat candy and dance - so that was fun for him.

Not too much else new - we're moving into a new house so Elijah gets to help design his new room. I'll post pictures of what he chooses (and what we agree to!), though we're moving into another house while we fix up the new house - so probably won't be in the new one 'til March or so.

I uploaded a bunch of pictures in September - if you haven't seen them, here they are:

We haven't done much of anything exciting since school started, so I don't have many new ones to post (not enough for an album), but here are some of the few I've taken:

Elijah playing on a thingamabobbin.

Skeleton face paint at a local food festival.

Showing off his 2 big boy teeth.

We went on a weekend break to a villa in the Cotswolds - Elijah's was livin' it up...relaxin' watching a DVD.

The owner of the villa took us out on his canal boat - Elijah was pretty excited!

And here are a couple of videos:

1 comment:

Becca said...

Hi Elijah!

I love your skeleton face paint, very cool! Did you look as scary on Halloween as a devil? Did you enjoy the village Halloween party?

I am excited to meet your new brother or sister too. Where did you come up with the name Martha? I like Henry the 8th, good name!

What are you learning in swimming lessons? Do you like them? I used to teach swim lessons, it was fun!

I miss you! Becca

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